
How can we help you?

ABA Sessions

Your child will receive one on one therapy sessions with our highly experience and trained behavioral therapists.

Step It Up

Center-based, outpatient program for pre-school aged children to address the core deficits of autism.

Summer Camp

During the summer months (8 weeks), we offer a summer camp from 9A to 1P that focuses on communication and social skills.

ASD Assessments

Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be difficult since there is no medical test to diagnose the disorder.

Social Skills

We offer small, structured, skill-based social skills groups for children ages five and up.

Early Intensive

This intensive program (25-40 hours per week) is offered for children aged 18 months to 5 years of age.

Behavioral Plan

Your child may be exhibiting maladaptive or disruptive behaviors and may require a behavioral plan to address those concerns.

Parent Coaching

A behavioral therapist will visit your home and will be available to educate and train any family members of the
household who interact with your child.

Homework Tutoring

Support to complete school homework provided to individuals who already have a diagnosis of an ASD.

Have a consultation or have a question?

Call us at + 1 (305) 902 6435 or

e-mail us at